Nick Simone

Real Estate Agent

Relocation, Investment 

775 544 3463



"Reno Real Estate is Energy"

I am interested in helping doctors and other professionals who are relocating and searching for a home or investment property in Reno. It's rewarding to see the impact of our clear, analytical approach on everyday people, transforming uncertainty into empowerment. Address Income is more than a workplace; it's where my personal passions and professional aspirations converge, creating real change in the real estate landscape. 

My Bio

Having spent over thirty-five years in Northern Nevada, this region holds a special place in my heart—it's where my wife and I have lovingly raised our two children and have deeply embedded ourselves within its active communities and beautiful settings. My academic and professional journey began at the University of Nevada, Reno, setting the stage for a lifelong commitment to community enrichment that has defined my path.

Transitioning from a dedicated career in criminal justice to the real estate sector, I've maintained my commitment to community service, this time by aiding people in exploring the local real estate market. Joining Address Income has been a continuation of this journey, where my mission is to demystify real estate investing for everyday individuals. The transformative power of the analytics and personalized guidance we provide at Address Income excites me, as it aligns perfectly with my desire to make real estate more accessible and understandable for everyone.

My life outside the office is filled with passions that echo the values of Address Income and the Northern Nevada community. As an enthusiastic DIYer, sports fan, and lover of art and music, I embrace the diverse interests that our area offers while incorporating these experiences into my professional approach. This blend of personal interests and professional expertise allows me to offer a truly personalized service, shaped by a genuine understanding of what individuals seek in a home and investment.

Seeking real estate guidance in Northern Nevada? Connect with me for personalized, informed support. Let’s confidently navigate the market together and tailor your journey to achieve your goals. Contact me today to begin shaping your success story.


B.A. Criminal Justice University of Nevada, Reno

Outside Work Interests




Sports Fan

Home projects/Gardening 

Coffee Enthusiast

Local History

Hack Golfer


17 years - Government

3 years - Real Estate